Booking a Quilt

Backing Requirements


What size should my backing be?

Here's an easy way to remember: Four-for-four! :) I require the backing to be 4" extra ON ALL FOUR SIDES.

For example, if you have a quilt top that is 60" x 80", your backing should measure at least 68" x 88". It can be bigger but not smaller. Extra fees may apply if I need to put extra time and effort into getting your quilt ready to load. If you have questions, please ask.

Backing prep, horizontal seams are preferred if making a pieced backing.

Quilt Prep


​Please press your top and backing for me so that it's nice and tidy and ready for me to load. Please also clip stray threads or unraveling fabrics as best as you can. You might not be able to get them all, but to prevent dark threads from shadowing through your quilt top, please don't skip this important step!

Please mark the quilt top and backing with a safety pin, in the top left corner if there is a specific side you wish to have for the top edge. If you have a pieced border please do an 1/8” basting stitching around the quilt edge to prevent seams from opening.

Pantograph options


​I want this to be fun for you and not overwhelming! You have the option of having me make the quilting decisions for you. It all depends on your purpose for the quilt, sometimes "done" is best!

Let’s make this happen!

For general requests and questions, please send an email to



If you are bringing or sending in more than one quilt, please fill in a form for each Quilt, this will make the process smoother .